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Amours en famille / Tu me fais mal mais c'est bon (1978/VHSRip)




Amours en famille / Tu me fais mal mais c'est bon (1978/VHSRip)


Category: All sex
Starring: Danièle Troeger, Edwige Faillel, Valérie Martin's, Thierry de Brem, Charlie Schreiner, Alban Ceray, Jean-Louis Vattier, Michel Curtis aka Rocky
Language: French
876 MB | 01:12:54 | 624x452 | 29.970 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

The heroine who tells her own story (off camera voice), lives in a small village in Dordogne and woks at a nearby factory. She needs a man, a real man, to forget her meanningless life. Yet, she never carries on long affairs, for Franka, her step mother, takes them for herself when she's away. But is no real problem since, when the postman comes around, both will happily share him after a cup of coffee. The heroine meets Bob with whom she builds a more stable relationship. One day, he brings a friend of his (Irina) who rapidly fascinates then seduces her. Eventually, she realises that Bob might well be a pimp on the look for a new girl to put to work. She leaves the village without looking back, feeling free.




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