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Breast Stroke 2 (1989VHSRip)




Breast Stroke 2 (1989/VHSRip)


Category: All sex
Starring: Christine Robbins, Lynn LeMay, Tamara Lee, Tara Blake, Trinity Loren, Peter North, Randy West, Scott Irish
Language: English
559 MB | 01:20:49 | 320x240 | 25.000 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

A day in the life of married couple Peter North and Trinity Loren finds undue outside sexual temptation in the form of Loren's girlfriend Lynn LeMay and carpenters Randy West and Scott irish. Loren is tempted to stray but doesn't. North is tempted to stray and does with LeMay. Whereas Irish and West, instead of building a patio deck, deck the patios of Tamara Lee, Christy Robbins and Tara Blake. The squealing predictability of the dialogue is a drag, however chalk up a couple of erotic sex scenes of note: North/Loren (about the only true resemblance to the title you'll find) and Irish later on the flap hooking up with aerobicizer Lee. Otherwise, fairly pedestrian effort, with lots of breasts. Absolutely spectacular packaging.




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