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Chaos (2024WEBRipHD)




Chaos (2024/WEBRip/HD)


Category: Feature, French, Couples, MILF, Lesbians, Strap-Ons, Orgy, Group sex
Starring: Misungui, Lullabyebye, Mya Lorenn, Petra Von Schatz, Cybele Lesperance, Jessica Czekalski, Anoushka, Kay Garnellen, Rico Simmons
Language: French
1.56 GB | 2500 kb/s | 01:26:55 | 1280x720 | 25.000 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

Charlie, who has dedicated her life to her feminist values and convictions, looks back on her life with David. With her we pass through moments of happiness and insouciance, but the delicate dance of love gradually takes on the face of muted violence. Charlie's body becomes that of a disjointed puppet, locked in the grip of this toxic relationship. Stripped of her confidence and her light, Charlie has to survive this violence. That's how she ends up in a sororal support center, where each woman shares her story and experiences, and together finds the strength to heal. She finds a glimmer of hope in Léa's eyes, allowing her to rediscover her identity and her inner fire. The earth will be their home and their source of resilience. Together, they will plant the seeds of true feelings, and deconstruct the norms of the heterosexual couple, embracing a new social contract where each shapes her desires and dark sides.



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