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Dans la Chambre de Bonne (2003DVDRip)




Dans la Chambre de Bonne (2003/DVDRip)


Category: Anal, Facial
Starring: Claudia, Alena, Eileen, Magy, Leon, Dries, Johnny T, Anasta
Language: English
1.08 GB | 2000 kb/s | 01:15:28 | 720x528 | 29.970 FPS | VC-1 | WMA

This one starts with sex in a small bathroom, watch this big titted blonde as she gets bent over the toilet and fucked, even in the ass! Next we find a woman eating candy in bed, but that's not the only thing that's going to be eaten, soon her pussy's being eaten while she eats cock while doing it 69 until the sex ensues. Then a guy is having his balls shaved by a blonde pigtailed cutie, she then inspects her work licking his balls and sucking his dick leading to her getting fucked in the pussy and ass. And finally the last scene has a blonde getting her pussy fingered and licked and then she gets fucked in a variety of positions leading to a cum shot in her mouth.



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