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Das Sex-Abitur - Heisse Liebe in Blue Jeans / Bonnes a prendre, Bachillerato del sexo / School Gi...




Das Sex-Abitur - Heisse Liebe in Blue Jeans / Bonnes a prendre, Bachillerato del sexo / School Girls 2 (1978/DVDRip)


Category: Hardcore, Classic, European porn, German Porn, Retro, Vintage, Group, Threesome, Voyeur, Sex with student, Sex with teacher, Sex in classroom
Starring: Ginny Noack, Mario Pollak, Alfred Acktun, Christa Abel, Johanna Ebertseder, Irene Falke
Language: German
1.00 GB | 01:31:28 | 720x576 | 25.000 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

Anne is doing fine in most subjects, except that she sucks in French. Her bored housewife mum Eva is a dead ringer for her daughter, and she speaks French fluently - so the two swap places for the French classes. That swap stays in place for the subsequent homework class with Anne's friends, but Eva continues swapping with Klaus, Anne's boyfriend, and with Sven as well. That encourages Klaus to try out Sven's girlfriend Petra, and later, for good measure, the sch0ol's cleaning woman. Back in scho0l, horny Eva also seduces the French teacher, and in the end the lot of them celebrate the successful exam with a big orgy - when unfortunately husband Heinz returns home early, and even more unfortunately with the headmaster as his special guest.




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