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Frontin da Booty! (1994DVDRip)




Frontin da Booty! (1994/DVDRip)


Category: All sex
Starring: Anna Malle[Anal], Heather Lee[Anal Facial IR], Jordan McKnight, Nikki Sinnald, Julian St. Jox, Tom Byron, Tom Chapman
Language: English
903 MB | 1598 kb/s | 01:12:43 | 640x480 | 29.938 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

I have been following Sahara Leone for a while now. She does a lot of cam work, but the right amount of money got her to see me in person. I have her slip on this lingerie I bought her before taking control and fucking her senseless.
It's my buddy's bachelor party so we splurged and got as many strippers as we could. One of them that caught my eye was Sophia Deluxe. I make her an offer to join me in my room for a more personal experience. She agrees and gives me the night of my life. Well worth it.
A friend of mine told me that if I was ever in town then I needed to look up Casca Akashova, so I give her a call and have her stop by my room. She is everything I imagined and more. She's the kind of girl I want to take it slow with and really enjoy. She knows how to please because she gives me exactly what I asked for.



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