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MILF Pact 2 (2017WEBRipHD)




MILF Pact 2 (2017/WEBRip/HD)


Category: Vignettes Couples
Starring: Sheena Ryder, Syren De Mer, Jaclyn Taylor, Sylvia Saige, Jessy Jones, Logan Pierce, Ricky Johnson, Robby Echo
2.29 GB | 02:15:51 | 2222 kb/s | AVC | 1280x720 | AAC, 2 channels, 192 kb/s , 44.1 kHz

After Lesley's first marriage ended in divorce over a MILF Pact she is hesitant to join in another, but with the encouragement of her friend Carly, the trouble has just begun! Lesley forms the second-ever Milf Pact with two other women also desperate for their stepson's cock. The goal - to seduce their stepsons by a designated time or forever give up the fantasy of the affair. The women meet up to regale one another with their seduction stories, each more deviant than the next. However, when it gets to Lesley's turn for sharing she is particularly quiet. Was she able to throw caution to the wind and ravage her stepson's hot body, or is she doomed to a fearful life void of her deepest fantasies?


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