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Pampering Our Sitter (2023WEBRipSD)




Pampering Our Sitter (2023/WEBRip/SD)


Category: Teen, Threesome, Feature, Group Sex
Starring: Coco Lovelock, Anna Claire Clouds, Maddy May, Penny Barber, Seth Gamble
Language: English
2.06 GB | 2250 kb/s | 01:58:51 | 640x480 | 29.970 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

Chelsea (Coco Lovelock) arrives at a luxurious house, enviously admiring it while reflecting on how rough her life is right now, especially when it comes to the relationship she has with her parents. She then meets Lydia (Penny Barber) and Anthony (Seth Gamble), a married couple, who warmly invite her inside. They begin interviewing Chelsea, seemingly to be their new babysitter. It's soon revealed that they don't intend to have their own family -- they want HER to be their family! Although Chelsea's shocked by all of this, she soon becomes tempted by the idea of a new, perfect life.
Kristi (Anna Claire Clouds) and Ben (Seth Gamble) have been trying so hard to conceive, but they just haven't seemed to have any luck. To make matters worse, Kristi's estranged stepsister, Ruby (Maddie May), shows up one day asking for a place to stay. She spies on Ruby through a slit in the bathroom door and finds herself aroused by her stepsister's naked body. Before long, the two stepsisters have gotten back to their naughty old ways, but what will happen when Ben comes back home and discovers them?




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