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Prom Girls (1988WEBRip)




Prom Girls (1988/WEBRip)


Category: All Sex, Oral, Straight
Starring: Aja, Dana Lynn, Eva Allen, Lisa Bright (as Kendal Marx), Megan Leigh, Renee Morgan (as Rene Morgan), Shanna McCullough, Blake Palmer, Joey Silvera, Peter North, Tom Byron
Language: English
2.51 GB | 5000 kb/s | 01:10:15 | 1610x1080 | 60.000 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

You Will Have A Ball! It's prom time at The Cumberland School For Ladies. But brother, these delicious debutantes ain't no ladies! And straight-laced Miss Plenty (Shanna McCullough) is going to make sure no hanky panky goes on this year's prom. Fat chance! In the garden, Candy (Megan Leigh) is cramming (but not for exams!) with Tommy. Sally (Eva Allen) is having a frantic dress fitting with Joey Silvera. And in the dorms, Bunny and Cuddles are boning up on their lesbian do's and don'ts! Poor Miss Plenty! The torrid tension is so hot she goes sexually berserk and turns a student council meeting into an orgy! You can be sure when the prom gets started... everyone's going to have a ball!!!




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