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Ride Em Hard (1992DVDRip)




Ride Em Hard (1992/DVDRip)


Category: All sex
Starring: Patricia Kennedy, Jennifer Gold, Christina Appleighe, Stacy Nichols, Jon Dough, Sean Michaels, Tom Byron
Language: English
909 MB | 1599 kb/s | 01:13:16 | 720x480 | 29.970 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

Jon Dough and Patricia Kennedy are a married couple who are deeply in love but faced with a distinctly disheartening problem. As beautiful and affectionate as she is, Victoria becomes detached when it comes to really getting down and dirty. The resulting sexual troubles are threatening to tear their marriage apart. Desperate for help, Patricia and Jon find Brigitte Aime, a specialist in the rare art of aphrodisiac conjuring. With Brigitte's hands-on help, Jon and Patricia are able to rekindle their marital ardor - and then some! Patricia discovers the sexual animal within her, while Jon learns what makes women tick. Ravishingly romantic and scorchingly sexy, Ride 'Em Hard delivers plenty of passion!



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