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Seduzione Gitana / Gypsy Seduction / Seduccion gitana / Tutti i vizi di mia moglie / Die Zigeuner...




Seduzione Gitana / Gypsy Seduction / Seduccion gitana / Tutti i vizi di mia moglie / Die Zigeuner Konigin (1998/WEBRip/HD)


Category: Vignettes, Oral, Lesbo, Facial, Anal
Starring: Maria Bellucci, Olivia Del Rio, Estrella Del Sol, Jessica Gabriel, Tanya Hansen, Francesco Malcom, Roberto Malone, Katarina Martinez, David Perry, Sandra, Hakan Serbes, Regina Sipos, Valentino
Language: Italian
3.34 GB | 5000 kb/s | 01:31:54 | 1440x1080 | 24.000 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

Blonde glamour model, Nina is treated as a slave by Velasco, her manager who is also her lover. He forces her to accept a contract for sexy photos in a remote area of Spain. A serious mistake because during shooting, Nina falls in love with an attractive gentleman, Bernardo de la Fuente. Dolores, a beautiful gypsy, is also in love with Bernardo and She invokes dark gods for the avowed purpose of destroying her rival



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