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Sex 2 - Fate (1994WEBRip)




Sex 2 - Fate (1994/WEBRip)


Category: Classic, Porn, Feature, Anal, Oral, Hardcore, MILF, Lesbians
Starring: Misty Rain, Sunset Thomas, Tiffany Million, Debi Diamond, Shayla LaVeaux, Diva, Deidre Holland, Asia Carrera, Jon Dough, Gerry Pike, Zachery Addams, Steve Drake, Chasey Lain, Zack Thomas, Richie Razor
Language: English
1.18 GB | 01:34:18 | 720x540 | 23.976 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

First, Michael Ninn's SEX created a new standard for excellence in erotic entertainment. Now, SEX 2: Fate elevates the artform to a new level. Sunset Thomas stars as a naive young woman who leaves her small desert town to find her ex-lover (Gerry Pike). From the flat, dusty plains of her past to the towering steel-and-glass s k y s c r a p e r s of the city, Sunset's quest eventually brings her face to face with the same demons that ensnared her once-innocent lover. Consumed by the power and passion that is Fame, she must decide whether to follow her lover's footsteps down the long descent - or overcome the forces that have threatened to destroy them both.




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