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The Harder Way (1992DVDRip)




The Harder Way (1992/DVDRip)


Category: All sex
Starring: Biff Malibu, Cameo, Heather Hart, Holly Ryder, James Crockett, Jerry Butler, Kimberly Dawn, Ron Jeremy, Stacy Nichols
Language: English
759 MB | 1241 kb/s | 01:24:02 | 640x480 | 28.968 FPS | AVC | AAC LC

Cameo plays the part of Merril Strip, a famous movie star who will do anything it takes to get the part. Even if it means that she has to spend time with Heather Brown, an infamous porn star, to research her role. But as soon as they meet, sparks start to fly. Movie producers, agents and starlets do it on the casting couches of Hollywood, but behind the scenes of XXX video, they make it the Harder Way!!

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