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Taxi Girls (1979WEBRipSD)




Taxi Girls (1979/WEBRip/SD)


Category: Feature, Classic, Comedy, Facial
Starring: Chris Landau, Candida Royalle, Nancy Suiter, Pat Manning, Hillary Summers, Nancy Hoffman, Stacy Goldman, Aubrey Nichols, Serena, Rhonda Jo Petty, Turk Lyon, George Mitchell, Mitch Morrill, Alan B. Colberg, Mike Ranger, John Seeman, R.J. Reynolds, John Holmes, Bill Stanley, Bud Wise, Jamie Gillis, Rick Lutze
Language: English Sub - Russian
1.55 GB | 2488 kb/s | 01:22:26 | 960x518 | 23.976 FPS | AVC | AC-3

When a group of Los Angeles street prostitutes decide that they've had enough hassles with the law, they come up with an ingenious plan to increase business while reducing busts: open a sex themed taxi service. But as their ridership exponentially grows, a group of chauvinistic hacks begin to plot a dastardly revenge. Starring Nancy Suiter and featuring supporting performances from Serena, Aubrey Nichols, John Holmes, and Jamie Gillis, TAXI GIRLS has been newly restored from its 35mm original negative.




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